Kia ora Talofa lava Malo e lelei Fakalofalahi atu
Welcome back to another great term of learning.
This week has been a very successful and full of learning week.
We have been studying 'States of Matter' using our SOLO TAXONOMY to help us think critically and to extend our thinking to the beyond....
We have learnt in this first week about 'Particles'.. particles that are stuck together, particles that are close to each other, and particles that are a part from each other but in the same area of space.
These particles are 'SOLID' 'LIQUID' 'GAS'...
We have learnt that from our SOLO TAXONOMY it places us with our own ideas and extending those ideas to make us extend our thinking and knowledge.
We can't wait to show our learning to our families.
Please feel free to come and visit our ILE hub to see our learning and for us to share what we have learnt and can explain.
Wow thanks #Whakapono20 for sharing about your first week at @RowandaleSchool for term 2 ... #SOLOTaxonomy is a great tool to help you think!