Friday, 8 June 2018


Nga tino mihi mahana kia koutou katoa... I tenei wiki, nga tamariki o Whakapono rua tekau kei te ako nga kaupapa o Matariki. Nga mātua ka puta mai nga tāmariki of Matariki. 
Hari tau hou o Matariki.

Matariki played a significant role in determining when to plant foods such as kūmara (sweet potatoes). Clear, bright stars indicated a good season. But if they were hazy and bunched together, a cold winter was predicted, and planting was delayed.

So the children are learning about how the māori new year comes and how the  stars came about.

Their task was to draw up a poster using soft colours up against loud colours. Watch this space ... more to come...

We were priviledged to have these very talented Dancers come to our school. They ages ranged for 10 to 15 years. They said they trained up to 35 hours a week to get them in champion competitions. Their last competition they were placed 1st.

Some of the children were chosen to dance with the group after they showed their talent and then teachers were asked to challenge. Mrs Sagote was one of the teachers who was chosen to dance with Mrs Aitkens and Miss Ngatuakana. It was said that Mrs Sagote won that challenge up against her peers.



  1. Wasn't it an amazing performance by such young and inspiring performers! Hope your class enjoyed it as much as I did. By the way... you were pretty awesome, yourself up on stage, too! Inspiring to us all!

  2. Really looking forward to more blogs on #Matariki2018 thank you #Whakapono20 for sharing about it starting at @RowandaleSchool

  3. Didn't know anything about Matariki until my children told me all about it and seeing the Bubblegum dance crew at your school has inspired Judison to be a dancer. Awesome blog. 😊

    1. Thank you for viewing our blog. Please feel free to come in and share our Hakari/meal on Friday with our children.



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