Thursday, 28 February 2019


This is Dmic in action...

On the pirate ship there are 24 pirate swords. Each pirate has 2 swords.
If half the pirates lost a sword in battle and a quarter of the pirates each gained a new sword, how many swords would there now be on the pirate ship?
If a third of the swords were then lost how many would there be left?
Our Children were put into groups of 4. In those four they would come up with strategies to answer the question and then explain to their group how they came to that conclusion. They then agree on it and then are taught to explain it back to the bigger group eventually after they felt confident and certain that they understood the question as well and the answer was a good way to answer it.
The children did really really really well by talking to each other about how they could answer it and then draw little pictures to help them see the picture. By the end of the lesson the groups felt very confident with their working together and how they agreed to disagree and how to work around each disagreement.
We look forward to many more great learning lessons of DMIC to GROW OUR PEOPLE

This group were discussing and enjoying their learning.

Feel free to come and visit our class and see DMIC in action.

1 comment:


This is Dmic in action... Our PROBLEM  On the pirate ship there are 24 pirate swords. Each pirate has 2 swords. If half the pir...