Monday, 26 March 2018

Whakapono week 9 - Aroha Assembly

Kia ora Talofa Fakaalofa lahi atu
This week at assembly we had our whakatau to welcome our new teacher and our new students who had started during the term.
It was a very cute assembly with the juniors singing 'Individuality'. This song is a very nice song as it says we are all different and its ok.. to be big, small, short or tall.
Thank you Team Aroha.

During our assembly, Whakapono 20 who have two outstanding students, receive a PRIDE certificate 'Integrity' which went to Ranui Raumati and a Caught being good certificate for Judison Faitua-Savea.

Judison & Ranui

All the winning participants that won the PRIDE & Caught being good certificates.
Here we have the students who have become the 2018 PEER MEDIATORS of our school.

ALSO.. a BONUS OF A SKIDS Rugby Ball.. Rush our Skids manager called upon three teachers to compete in 'time' for another rugby ball. Teachers Miss Tagicakibau, Miss Heinrick and Mr Ikitule were chosen to compete.. 
This made our day !! 

Thank you for viewing our blog. Please leave a message for us. WHAKAPONO 20


  1. Well done to Judison and Ranui for receiving the certificates. Great role modelling you guys. From Tumanako 28

  2. Yes I agree #Whakapono20 it was a very impressive @RowandaleSchool #Assembly led by #TeamAroha ... Congrats to Judison and Ranui on your #Certificates



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