Wednesday, 21 February 2018

WEEK 4 in Whakapono 20

In WHAKAPONO 20 we have a timetable that supports the Independence of all WHAKAPONO students. The teacher of Whakapono has two Writing groups. Here is one of my Writing groups. They are learning about the components of a NARRATIVE. 
They have learnt the POEM 'Little Miss Muffet' and have identified some of the components.

Here is the WALT written up for them and we discuss it. The Success Criteria is when they can confidently identify the components of a NARRATIVE.

This group are enjoying this lesson; Ali says.. This is so cool.. Jessie says... I get it Miss... Pouli says.. Miss i know how to do it miss... 
Watch this space when you see their completed poems illustrated by them with detail of components of a NARRATIVE.


During this week we also had MEET THE TEACHER evening... In our WHAKAPONO hub we had an okay attendance of our whanau.. 

WHAKAPONO 20 out of 24 students we only had 7 parents greet their child's teacher and return their updated details to the office. We are wanting 100% and we thank the 7 families who were able to make it through that stormy, windy weather.

Gizelle and Mum
Nora and Mum
Jackson and Sister
Miss Parry and Parent
Thank you for taking the time to see how WEEK 4 has been for WHAKAPONO 20 and our HUB LIFE.

Sunday, 18 February 2018


We have been given the opportunity to explore and venture from our school to our local community library 'Matariki' in Clendon.
Our first library visit was a success, our tamariki got to see where the pre-teen books are kept, the study areas, the children's reading area and adult reading areas.
We went with WHAKAPONO 18 and we felt it was a great success. Our tamariki were very well behaved and used their PRIDE to and from the library.
Here are a few 'Reading' moments that were captured....

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Week 3 in WHAKAPONO 20

What is team building? These last couple of weeks our HUB WHAKAPONO have been working together to build relationships. When we started our tamariki were not confident to lead or talk to one another. This week we have witnessed our tamariki coming out of their comfort zones and leading. There were tamariki who hardly speak, talk!!...


This team building was for them to see if they can use their bodies to hold each other up sitting on each others knees. The trust these tamariki had for each other was phenomenal...

Also working within the hub and being able to use our timetables has been very trialling. It is falling into place and children are commenting saying they are getting better at following the menus provided for them.
Continue watch this grow...

We have Te Awe who completed an Independent task, she produced some awesome 'letter writing'.. We had Simona complete his 'basic facts' in  a good time and get them correct.. he said next time he will time his 'basic facts' so he can beat it.


Sunday, 11 February 2018

W20 - WEEK 2

This week was built of four days of learning. 
WAITANGI day was a day we learnt about WHY? we celebrate February 6. A lot of us children really didn't know why we celebrated this day, we thought it was a day spent with family at home or just going to families to have a BBQ. We learnt about how Waitangi was such a 'big deal' and we used that through our own Hub Treaty. We now know its a major promise to uphold and to believe in it with our all.
This week we started our Swimming programme. We were able to go on the bus provided by the Manukau Council to take us to our local swimming pools.

This is the checklist of achievement in the water. The Swimming Instructor teaches us and then we see if we can achieve it confidently. We will know if we have achieved our checklist at the end of 7 more weeks. We are very excited and really enjoyed our first lesson of assessment. We were put into groups to see how confident we can swim. Next week lets see what we will be learning.


Head leaders and House leaders
In W20 we very fortunate to have the Head Boy (Walter Tausala) Deputy Head Girl (Angela-Delcielo Paese) and House Captains Ngaau Hurrell (Kotare) Vira'ava Peua (Pukeko). We are very proud of our students in W20. May we grow and Soar to success in our Whakapono Yr 6 Team.

                           Having some fun 

Thank you for reading our blog. W20.


This is Dmic in action... Our PROBLEM  On the pirate ship there are 24 pirate swords. Each pirate has 2 swords. If half the pir...