Thursday, 15 February 2018

Week 3 in WHAKAPONO 20

What is team building? These last couple of weeks our HUB WHAKAPONO have been working together to build relationships. When we started our tamariki were not confident to lead or talk to one another. This week we have witnessed our tamariki coming out of their comfort zones and leading. There were tamariki who hardly speak, talk!!...


This team building was for them to see if they can use their bodies to hold each other up sitting on each others knees. The trust these tamariki had for each other was phenomenal...

Also working within the hub and being able to use our timetables has been very trialling. It is falling into place and children are commenting saying they are getting better at following the menus provided for them.
Continue watch this grow...

We have Te Awe who completed an Independent task, she produced some awesome 'letter writing'.. We had Simona complete his 'basic facts' in  a good time and get them correct.. he said next time he will time his 'basic facts' so he can beat it.


1 comment:

  1. Great to see #WHAKAPONO20 and the other #ILE classrooms working together to build your trust and working together ... congrats on your #BasicFactsResults Te Awe and Simona



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