Friday, 31 August 2018

WHAKAPONO 20 week 6

Talofa and welcome to Whakapono 20 blog. This week we have been training for our cross country and preparing for our trip to the city. The experiences we are learning in Auckland city is called 'Let's Act'. These are people who act all through out Aotearoa. We meet Aki, who stars in 'Shortland Street' she is only 17 years old. She said she started loving to act when she was at school. Our first session was with her and 4 others, they explained how to warm up by 'finding things' that made us look high, low and round and round. It was very cool to run and do things like roll on the ground and act like animals from areas of the world, not realising they were acting out things. 

Our 2nd session was with a group of 4. They showed us 'Puppet Live', this entailed having a tv screen behind us, a tv screen in front of us and move to these two animated puppets on the screen. It was sometimes hard for the children to not touch each other as they thought that they needed too, but they just needed to stand on the line and move.
We then rotated to another person who helped us move more parts of body, we were very hot again because we had to run and jump. Our next rotation was with another person who made us sit in a circle and do small acting parts by introducing our given 'thing'. 

Then our 3rd session.... Did we love that session? Yes we did!! We were introduced to actors who were going to a play called 'Spind'a'rella. It was a rap, and all the children were able to partake in the play. By the end of the play they all now want to 'rappers'. They learnt that the people who acted, went to schools in south auckland; Nga Iwi, Bairds Mainfreight, Mayfield and Chapel downs. Most their ages ranged from 17 to 18, with one being 29.

We really enjoyed ourselves very much.
Here a photos of us on our bikes, training for our Cross Country, as we don't have to always run to train.
The rest of the photos will be of our day in the City. Thank you for visiting our blog.






Essence: I liked the puppet live and the Play, it was cool!
Jada-Jess: I really liked the puppet live, and the play was really awesome, I want to be a rapper now!
Naliyah: I liked the play and pretending to be on the tv.
Josiah: I want to be rapper now the wolf pack, and the puppet live was cool too!

1 comment:

  1. Hey #Whakapono20 thanks for your blog on #AucklandLive and #BikeTrack #BikesProgramme



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