Monday, 21 May 2018

Positive Behaviour for Learning in WHAKAPONO 20

Positive Behaviour for Learning programme??? 
What is it? Celebrating success of using our PRIDE daily in our class and outside.

Here we had a lesson for the Hall/ Assembly. Whakapono 20 have shown how we sit, watch, participate and accept a certificate.

Using our PRIDE values when we are at the school assembly
- How do we show our PRIDE values when we are at the school assembly?
Walking safely to and from the Hall

Being a great audience

Receiving an award

Walking up to receive your award, shaking hands and smiling and saying thank you.

Smiling with our certificate held in front 
Looking and feeling proud of our certificate

Whakapono 20 enjoyed going through the steps of the PB4L initiative, as this has helped us be better role models for our Rowandale School. We hope you enjoy and have your classes do what we did too, so you too can be great Role models to your peers. 

Thank you for viewing our blog, please leave a comment. 


  1. Thank you so much #Whakapono20 for sharing about your learning journey in relation to #PB4L and #PRIDEValues ... it’s so important to learning appropriate behaviours around our school!

  2. Well done! 😊👍 Great to see the children well behaved. 💜



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