Friday, 16 March 2018


Friday 16 March we were privileged to go and watch the ASB Polyfest 2018. This was a first time for some of our tamariki and they were very excited to experience culture at its best.

We started our day taking the roll and heading to the hall. Once there we had house keeping of the rules and regulations of our trip. Our uniform was very good looking as our children looked very tidy and were ready to represent.

We caught our bus and arrived at the manukau velodrome. We placed our gears safely by the Police stand and set up our area. Another lot of expectations was given before we set off with our Guides/ our teachers and parent Mrs Polly Paese. 

The group I had were mostly boys who wanted to go everywhere, and yes we went nearly everywhere. We tried to take photos at all the stages we visited but some areas it was very full. We stayed in the culture areas for up to 15-20mins then we ventured out. We came back to our base to eat, and then we went back out. 

We then realised our time was due to come back to base for our meet up to the bus. Oh what a day we've had. I would totally do that again. 

We came back to school very exhausted and ready to go home. Thank you Mrs Polly Paese for the care and support you served with our children today. We hope they did not stress you out too much. 
Alofatele lava oe Mrs Polly Paese.

We hope you enjoy our photos.
Before we left
On the bus
Policeman Josiah Leiataua
At the Tongan stage
On our back to school 
OH the crowd when off the bus
Couldnt help myself
Janaiah & Nahliyah at the Inventors area by Maori stage
Kids ready for the day
Tuakana checking out the games 
Salem checking out the games
Jaydas & Judison at the Police stand 

Sione checking our the painting used from the air brushes

These boys loving the camera
My group after getting our water tattoos from Leva Stand
At the Leva stand these guys took their selfies
Time to go back to school
Tuakana, Torian & Salem
Miss T checking out the pudding

Whaea Catherine, Mr Ikitule TOP
Mrs Mulipua & Mrs Sagote MIDDLE
Mrs R, Miss T & Miss Parry posing before leaving.


  1. Looks like our @RowandaleSchool students loved their trip to the #PolyFestival ... looks like they really enjoyed the extra activities around the venue ... thank you #Whakapono20 for sharing your awesome photos

  2. Nice photos W20! The Polyfest trip was a blast wasn't it?

    From W18

  3. Wow! What a great experience you had W20. Looks like you all had an awesome time. I love the photos.



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