Friday, 29 June 2018


In the ILE we used the states of matter in experiements and displayed our work for all families and classes to view our learning. We made Lava lamps, Ice cream, crystals, slime, Obleck, playdough and dancing raisins.
The children loved the hands on experiences of making things. 
Congratulations kids you did awesome!!!





Phone shrills with the voice of Mr Vasau...
We hear him say, "All classes we have an ice cream for everyone, Finlayson School has so kindly called to say we have ice cream to share... so come out to the carpark and you make eat it when you walk back to class."
Whakapono 20 were so stoked and thankful.


Thank you Finlayson School


Whakapono 20 have been using the seesaw to produce evidence of their learning and understanding of general knowledge and recording themselves. They have been given the opportunity to record their learning of their science project and explain it and then having the teacher make a QR SCAN out of it. The children were very proud of their work and confident to record themselves.

Thank you to Mr Vasau, we were given tickets and the lucky boy who received them was Walter Tausala. A double pass to the Warriors game for you and your parent of your choice!!!


Thank you for viewing our blog.

Friday, 15 June 2018


I tenei wiki, nga tamariki o whakapono rua tekau ma rua ka mahia kowhaiwhai i nga tamariki ō Matariki. Ka rātou ki te waiata e rua. Te ingoa o nga waiata, Nga Tamariki o Matariki me Tirama Tirama.
Anēi nga mahiana mo nga tamariki.



Jada and Simona completed their pieces. These pieces will be put up in the Hall for all to see.

In the coming week we will be learning about Harakeke and its uses through Matariki... Watch this space.

This week we were given Kidscan Jackets. These are the new in fleece jackets for our tamariki. All our children are so excited as not all had Jumpers. They can now keep warm thanks to KIDS CAN.
Whaea Lois administering the Jackets on behalf of KIDS CAN.
Whaea Lois

These two hang loose wearing their jackets Josiah and Tuakana.

Thank you KIDS CAN

Friday, 8 June 2018


Nga tino mihi mahana kia koutou katoa... I tenei wiki, nga tamariki o Whakapono rua tekau kei te ako nga kaupapa o Matariki. Nga mātua ka puta mai nga tāmariki of Matariki. 
Hari tau hou o Matariki.

Matariki played a significant role in determining when to plant foods such as kūmara (sweet potatoes). Clear, bright stars indicated a good season. But if they were hazy and bunched together, a cold winter was predicted, and planting was delayed.

So the children are learning about how the māori new year comes and how the  stars came about.

Their task was to draw up a poster using soft colours up against loud colours. Watch this space ... more to come...

We were priviledged to have these very talented Dancers come to our school. They ages ranged for 10 to 15 years. They said they trained up to 35 hours a week to get them in champion competitions. Their last competition they were placed 1st.

Some of the children were chosen to dance with the group after they showed their talent and then teachers were asked to challenge. Mrs Sagote was one of the teachers who was chosen to dance with Mrs Aitkens and Miss Ngatuakana. It was said that Mrs Sagote won that challenge up against her peers.


Sunday, 3 June 2018



Talofa lava
Friday 1st June we celebrated our week of Samoan language learning with our families and community. We learnt Samoan songs, prayers and wore samoan traditional attire.
Our children are very proud to be of Samoan descent.
Here are some parts we caught on camera. Feel free to leave a comment for us. Fa'afetai lava

Samoan Anthem


Mrs Dorothy Mulipola

Samoan siva

Gloria - Taupou



This is Dmic in action... Our PROBLEM  On the pirate ship there are 24 pirate swords. Each pirate has 2 swords. If half the pir...